Address emotional resilience with ECS botanicals

While we can’t always change the stressors in our lives, we can control how we prepare for and manage stress. Beyond common effective ways to combat stress including physical activity, deep breathing and connecting with people, don’t overlook support from therapeutic botanicals.  Saffron and echinacea are two herbs that show efficacy in supporting a range of effects of stress by promoting relaxation, a positive mood and emotional balance.

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Decoding Topical CBD Products: The Bad, The Good and The Best!

No pain, no gain? To your patients, no pain is absolutely gain! Pain requires immediate attention … and relief. Topical hemp products are increasingly popular among patients to target localized aches and pains. But not just any topical hemp product will get the job done well. The CBD (cannabidiol) topical market is crowded with products, complicating the selection process.

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When Clean Isn’t So Clean: How Bodycare Ingredients May Impact Health

Isn’t it ironic that so many topical products your patients use every day for bodycare and cleansing aren’t “clean” in composition? Many contain the pernicious “Ps” – parabens and phthalates – which are highly regulated in the EU because research points toward negative health effects particularly from repeated, long-term exposure.

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How CBD Supports the Skin Endocannabinoid System

As the largest organ in the body, the skin is constantly being challenged by myriad environmental and cosmetic compounds, climate conditions, internal stress and diet. Most people tend to view their skin as a means of attraction; clean, youthful and hydrated skin is the goal to enhance visual appeal.

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Comparing CBD Gummies with Traditional Dosage Formats

Before gummies were used in the hemp industry, they were not only a candy, but they were used as a delivery system for vitamins and minerals. This came about since we use the mouth to not only swallow pills but also for the absorption of medicines if they are held in the mouth for a period of time.

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